10 Jul 2007

Aston Hill, and a new member

Saturday afternoon involved a visit to Aston Hill - Garry, Duncan, myself and 'Dave' along with one of my neighbour's, Mark.

Unusually for the current weather, it didn't rain, but the ground was wet and slippy.

We split into two groups, Garry and Duncan went off for the XC, and we went for a 'play'. Mark hadn't ridden this year, so struggled a bit with fitness.

Only incident of note, was Duncan falling off 3 (or was it 4) times at exactly the same place on the top XC loop...

We spent the afternoon there, and enjoyed it.

Next weekend, its Coed y Brenin - yippee.

1 comment:

The Roaring 40's said...

Garry and I did 4 laps of the top loop, so yes it was 4 times. I only came off once at Afan on the "Graveyard" descent, so why oh why does Aston Hill's tree roots cause me so many problems.